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The Royal  George Hotel is not just the place where live music takes place 7 days a week. We  also play host to many artists that are looking for a venue to record new music videos. Here is a look at  some of the videos that have taken place at The Royal George Hotel.  If you or someone you know are in need of a venue to shoot a music video, feel free to contact us.  We're happy to help our local musicians out and share in the experience with  them.

Jivetown original "You bring the music in me" live at the George

Kimberley Dawn's 5th Studio Album! "Til The Cowboys Come Home! Recorded at the Hanger Studio in St Anne Manitoba by producer, engineer Tom Dutiaume. Tom played all the instruments on the album except for some piano in which we called in the talented Mr. Paul Hampton. So proud of this album.

Romi Mayes music video for "Devil On Both Shoulders". ©Romi Mayes Music 2015 Cinematography and edited by Paul Blair MacLean. www,

Special thanks to you for taking the time to have this cinematic experience. We appreciate our efforts from our friends Marc Keugle and Nathan Zayac for filming the footage. Thank you to our home slice Andre Jeanson for letting us use his whip. Could not have happened without our man behind the controls, Jordan Leganchuk.

Produced at studio 11 by Jason Gordon MacLean Brothers are: David Maclean, Travis MacLean, Paul Maclean, and Michael Vermeylen additional tracks by Gary Gach and Jason Gordon